The Current Situation

According to the Department of Children and Families (DCF) website, as of 2023, African American, Hispanic/Latino, and other non-white children face a disproportionate likelihood—over two times higher than their Caucasian counterparts—of being substantiated for maltreatment, removed from their homes, and spending extended periods in care.

These pervasive disparities throughout every stage of the child welfare process, particularly affecting Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American children, highlight systemic inequities that demand critical examination and comprehensive action to address the underlying causes and mitigate these imbalances.

Our Goal:

To address and reduce disparities within the DCF organization, community and credentialed providers, and Grass Root organizations, with a particular focus on improving outcomes for Black and Brown children and families who are disproportionately represented in DCF care.

How Racial Justice Institute is implementing change:

Listening Sessions

We engage with DCF providers and community members to understand their experiences with the Department of Children and Families. We aim to uncover the disparities within the system and explore changes that could address the disproportionate impact on racial justice outcomes reflected in the current data.


We will conduct and/or recommend training to promote an anti-racist framework and provide targeted support to organizations, addressing disparities in how they provide racially equitable assistance. This includes focusing on areas where disproportionality has been identified by Listening Sessions.

Our Partners

SEET Consultants